# Package Development

Using Laravel Blueprint (opens new window) for package development is easy. Just follow the very easy steps below and you are good to go.

# Installation

Follow the steps shown in the quickstart guide or in the docs to install the laravel-blueprint.

# Add Volume for Packages

You will need to add the following volume to the workspace and php-fpm containers. You can add it in the regarding sections of your laradock/docker-composer.yml file.

        # ...
        - ../../packages:/var/packages

Now you will have to rebuild the containers.

make build

# Adding your Development Package

You will need to create a composer repository that you want to include. Go to your packages directory and create it there. Then you will have to update your composer.json in your package development instance. This could look like the following.

    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../packages/my-package"

Then you can run the following to install it.

composer require your-name/your-package @dev

This should create a symlink for your package in the vendors folder.

# IDE Configuration

Remember that you should include another folder to the project/workspace of your IDE. I suggest that you add your vendor name directory from the vendors folder so your inteli services don't make your IDE light up red all over the place 😉