# Laravel Blueprint 🚀

This laravel blueprint intends to speed up your development.

# Features

This laravel blueprint has the following features / packages included.

# Installation

To start a new project based on this repository, you should do a fork of it. So for the following, you will have to replace the repository url git@github.com:tjventurini/laravel-blueprint.git with your own.

To install this blueprint you need to clone this repository.

git clone --recursive git@github.com:tjventurini/laravel-blueprint.git

Then you should go ahead and update the laradock configuration in your project in .env.docker.example. Make sure to update the DATA_PATH_HOST and COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME environment variables. Also you will have to set the UIDs and GIDs that match your host systems. You can find them out by running id -a.

Also make sure to update the Makefile of this project. You might need to update the CONTAINERS variable at the top of the file to specify the list of containers that you want to start for your project.

# variables
CONTAINERS=nginx php-fpm mysql workspace

Now you are ready to execute the setup from the make file.

make init

This will build and start the containers, and execute composer install in the workspace container. So basically you are done 😁

# Upgrade

To upgrade your project against the laravel-blueprint, you can run the following command.

make upgrade

# Usage

# Development URL

If you want to access your local project under a specific url you can add an entry like the following to your hosts file. laravel-blueprint.local

# Login to Dashboard

There is a default admin user available that you can use to login to the dashboard.

URL: http://laravel-blueprint.local/admin/login
USER: admin@admin.com
PASSWORD: password

This user has the admin user role applied to it and all permissions available per default.

# Run Setup

The composer install command is set up to run the setup for the whole application. If you want to run it manually agian, then you can either run composer install again or run the following artisan command.

php artisan app:install --refresh --seed --demo

# Advanced

# xDebug

Check out the following page if you want to use xdebug to debug your application.

# Package Development

Check out the following page if you want to use Laravel Blueprint for local package development.

# Exception Handling

The blueprint comes with a setup for sentry and includes client save graphql exceptions. Check out the documentation to learn more about it.